Note on Github:

All of the projects listed are hosted in private repos on Github. If you'd like to view these please let me know and I can invite you to view them.

Portfolio Website


This website is a hub for my resume, demonstrations or overviews of my projects, and a bit more about me personally and professionally.

Tech Stack:

JavaScript, HTML/CSS & Django/python *for deployment: Ubuntu, Nginx, and Uvicorn


The most important takeaway experience from this project was deploying the site to a no-frills server. This site is run on a virtual Ubuntu machine and I completed the deployment myself rather than using an "out-of-the-box" platform. I very much enjoyed the experience of troubleshooting and researching what would be needed to complete this task.

For this project, I chose not to use front-end frameworks such as Bootstrap. This allowed me to practice developing a responsive website from the ground up. I chose to use Django's MVC architecture which allowed me to get some experience with that framework (and possibly expand the site at a later time).

Degree Planning Application


This application is designed to allow students to plan their academic degrees. It provides interfaces for adding, updating, and deleting Terms, Courses, Assessments, and Notes. Features include input validation, database use (DAO model), searching/sorting, and export of information to Drive, Email, or Text message.

Tech Stack:

Java, SQLite, Gradle, Room Framework, & Android Studio


By creating this application I cultivated skills in the area of Android application development. The application uses object-oriented programming, so I was able to get extra practice with this.

The application uses the DAO model for working with databases augmented through the room framework which is different from my other experiences using this model. Lastly, this application allowed me additional experience using the Java programming language.

Quick Video Demo:

Appointment Scheduling Desktop Application


A desktop application designed to keep track of business appointments, contacts, and customers. Users can create appointments and customers. Simple reports can be generated from the data. The application is sensitive to the time zone of the user's computer and will update the appointments accordingly when pulled from the database and displayed to the user. The application contains a rudimentary login, input validation, and notifications.

Tech Stack:

Java, IntelliJ, MySQL, Maven, & Scene Builder


The most interesting challenge for me with this project was learning and navigating time zone conversions. The database stores the appointments in UTC and appointments are converted, coming and going, into the appropriate time zone given the user's computer time zone.

This project allowed me to get experience building a DAO model project without a framework's assistance. Additionally, the project uses Object Oriented programming concepts and fully available JavaDocs.

Quick Video Demo:

In Process: HCI Project

  1. HCI Activation Database Restructuring
  2. Description:

    This is a database restructuring and migration. We currently use MS Access for our database with multiple front-end views for our internal teams to access information regarding their studies. But, with plans to expand the way that we distribute information to external sources we must migrate to a database with a client-server architecture.

    My next learning experience with this subproject will be organizational. I'll need to work with our IT department for an adequate solution to where to host the database (via a managed cloud solution or locally on our institutional servers).

    Tech Stack:

    SQL, MS Access, & PostgreSQL


    Underway, near completion.

    New DB Diagram

    Database Diagram
  3. Public Facing Submission Portal
  4. Description:

    This is intended to be a landing page that will allow clinical trial sponsors to submit new study offers to our clinical trials office for consideration. The business goal would be to reduce the amount of email communication and streamline the process of obtaining the appropriate information for review.

    Tech Stack:

    JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Django, & PostgreSQL


    Not started

  5. Public Facing Project Insights
  6. Description:

    This will be a website through which trial sponsor contacts can view the current status and other relevant information about their trial in real time. Used in conjunction with our internal tools the goal is to help reduce ineffecient status update emails.

    Tech Stack:

    JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Django, & PostgreSQL


    Not started

  7. Internal Facing Project Insights
  8. Description:

    This portion would replace our current access front-end views with more elegant and modular landing pages for our staff and teams.

    Tech Stack:

    JavaScript, HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Django, & PostgreSQL


    Not started